07 Dec 2019
This time our Commodore Creative Competition takes submissions from all around the world. You don’t need to attend to enter. Entries are judged at the Amiga Ireland 2020 event in January. Below are the three categories as well as the criteria/rules for each. Only one entry per person in any one category.
Note: The closing date has been extended to midnight on Sunday, January 12th for MODs and 3D scene categories. The pixel art category closes on January 8th as originally planned.
MOD / AHX category
Submit 4 channel or multi-channel track in either MOD or AHX format. Maximum 3 minutes and 30 seconds will be played to the judges (but you can submit a longer tune). Include download link to the player binary needed for correct reproduction. Playback machine will be an A1200 64MB RAM.
Submission should include:
Artist name (and homepage if available)
Title of submission
Name of application used to create
MOD / AHX audio file
Download link for required player binary
PIXEL ART category
Submit a pixel drawing made on Amiga (AmigaOS / AROS / MorphOS / emulated or real hardware). Any application native to those platforms can be used. Ensure your image will display with Multiview.
Submission should include:
Artist name (and homepage if available)
Title of submission
Name of application used to create
Amiga image file (for display on Amiga)
PNG / lossless version (for display on non-Amiga systems)
Optional: description
3D RAYTRACING category
Submit a 3D scene / picture. The scene should have at least one original object, named in the description. Animations are not valid, but you may submit a scene from your animation.
Submission should include:
Artist name (and homepage if available)
Title of submission
Name of application used to create
3D source file of scene (for rendering on Amiga)
Download link for any binary required to render & display
PNG / lossless version of image (for display on non-Amiga systems)
Description including at least an identification of the original object.
Ensure all objects are in root directory as we may not be able to display scenes that don’t render.
Send completed submissions to competition@amigausers.ie. Your submission must not be a previously published work. Closing date for entries: Midnight (UTC), Jan 8th 2020. Good luck!
All entries will be scored by attendees on the day after a shortlisting process. You can enter all three categories, but you may only enter one item in each category. Amiga Ireland will test your submission on receipt. We will contact you if there is any issue. In the unlikely event that there is a technical problem with presenting your submission on the day, we cannot guarantee it will be included but we will do our best. Submitted source files will be published online when results are announced and may also be included shown on live stream / pre-recorded online video / podcasts etc. Entries will be voted on during Amiga Ireland 2020 on the 17th & 18th of January. Results will be announced at Amiga Ireland and will be posted online within days of the event.